

20 weeks pregnant

20th week! How great! She arrived in the middle of her pregnancy. It’s been 140 days since you discovered that a baby was forming inside your belly. What an incredible feeling, isn’t it ?! Inside you, everything works at full steam, to use a familiar...

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19 weeks pregnant

The changes in your body and the baby’s body can already be seen. The belly is evident externally in most women. Inside the womb, the baby continues to grow and develop the many functions of the body, even if observed only by ultrasound. His movements...

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22 weeks pregnant

The movement inside your belly is racing. As the expected date of delivery is getting closer and closer, your baby must be moving around a lot and you feel it, in a subtle way or with a little more strength. Of course, this feeling is...

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22 weeks pregnant

The movement inside your belly is racing. As the expected date of delivery is getting closer and closer, your baby must be moving around a lot and you feel it, in a subtle way or with a little more strength. Of course, this feeling is...

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21 weeks pregnant

Many news happen this week. The most incredible of these is that your baby now recognizes the sound of your voice and knows how to distinguish it from others. Research has shown that babies interact positively with external stimuli, so talk, read stories and sing...

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23 weeks pregnant

This week is the time to choose the best songs and set aside time for your baby to listen with you, preferably accompanied by the father. With more developed hearing, your baby listens to external sounds and interacts with stimuli. The final stretch of the...

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24 weeks pregnant

The beginning of the 24th week is also counted as the 6th month of pregnancy or the last month of the second quarter. Gosh! Just thinking that your baby is 15 weeks away, what a thrill! But take a deep breath and try to relax....

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25 weeks pregnant

Her pregnancy now enters the 25th week, half of the 6th month and a few weeks before the expected date of delivery. Although some changes still happen to the baby, the main thing in the coming weeks is to grow and put on weight. To...

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26 weeks pregnant

The space inside the uterus is getting smaller and if you barely felt the baby’s movement before, from that week onwards, kicks and punches can be seen. Leave your phone nearby to record when it happens. Further intensify the relationship between you and the baby...

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27 weeks pregnant

The beginning of this week coincides with the beginning of the third quarter. The last three months of your pregnancy. Now, the countdown is counted down to the expected date of delivery, and may even happen prematurely. If you’ve been programming for the past few...

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