22 weeks pregnant
The movement inside your belly is racing. As the expected date of delivery is getting closer and closer, your baby must be moving around a lot and you feel it, in a subtle way or with a little more strength.
Of course, this feeling is unique. First-time mothers feel a little less, which is completely normal. If you have been doing prenatal care and following your obstetrician’s instructions, don’t worry if you don’t see waves or footprints on your belly.
The most important thing is that you are well physically and mentally, even with so many changes happening and that your baby continues to develop. At all times, keep in mind that comparing yourself to other pregnant women is not good for you, as you need to occupy your mind with what matters most.
To enjoy your pregnancy even more, keep reading and find out how your baby is developing, some symptoms and sensations that you should be feeling now and how to take care of it, and other interesting topics about pregnancy in the 22nd week.
Baby development
The baby’s growth is now slower and in the coming weeks he will put on weight. According to measurements defined as a parameter, your baby is 27 cm and 400 g to 430 g. Some babies are bigger and may be overweight.
The brain continues to develop, which happens until the age of 5. Inside the womb, he moves eyelashes and eyebrows, moves his face, makes faces, frowns, puts his fingers in his mouth, scratches himself, plays with the umbilical cord.
The limbic system, responsible for emotions is forming, interfering with your emotions as well. In fact, what is most apparent during pregnancy is the change in mood, which fluctuates constantly.
He continues to swallow amniotic fluid, which now has varied flavors, as the taste buds have formed. So when you eat something with a stronger spice or a more pronounced flavor and your baby moves around more, it is probably he starting to have an opinion on the taste of the food.
What happens to mom
That biggest spike in weight gain should calm down and follow only the baby’s growth. The uterus continues to rise and compress the organs, leading to a higher frequency of going to the bathroom to urinate and a little difficulty breathing.
The belly is growing and its curves are, in a way, changing places. The doctor’s measuring tape measures from the foot of the belly to the top of the uterus, which is 3 cm above the navel and the measurement is, on average, between 20 cm to 24 cm.
Symptoms such as heartburn and constipation should remain until the end of pregnancy and can be reduced with a balanced diet, away from spicy, fatty and high-fiber foods.
Care that should be taken at this stage
Is your dental treatment up to date? It is good to take care of your teeth, especially during pregnancy, as the propensity for cavities increases, especially with the loss of calcium and nutrients, which are transmitted to the baby.
Are your lack of memory and mood swings making you very uncomfortable? Try to stay calm, take a deep breath, relax, plan better and ask your partner, family and friends for help with the tasks related to the preparations. Enjoy being a little spoiled.
About 15% of pregnant women suffer from hemorrhoids. If you experience burning, burning, discomfort and pain in the anal area, talk to your doctor about specific treatments for pregnant women.
To avoid or alleviate the problem, do physical activities, drink plenty of fluids, prefer foods rich in fiber and never use too much force when evacuating. Consultation with a proctologist may be necessary.
Braxton Hicks contractions
Discovered by gynecologist John Braxton Hicks, in 1872, these contractions can occur from the 20th week of pregnancy and happen as a kind of training of the body for the time of delivery.
These training contractions or false contractions are not a rule for all women. Generally, they cause stiffness in the belly, stitches in the vagina and lower back pain, much like labor pains, but to a lesser extent.
Another difference between Braxton Hicks contractions and childbirth contractions is the frequency that they occur. While childbirths are long and have a rhythm, false ones last less time and do not have a pattern of time.
Normal or cesarean delivery
Doctors are divided between the advantages and disadvantages between a normal delivery and a cesarean section. As it is a decision that is entirely up to you, let’s just leave some differences between the two.
– Normal delivery is the most natural, as cesarean section is surgery.
– As long as there are no risks to the woman’s health, normal birth is usually the most suitable.
– Cesarean section allows you to define the best day for birth and prevents labor pain.
– Normal delivery can take up to 12 hours for the baby to be born, forcing the mother to continue with the pain.
– The baby born normal has less breathing problems and can stay as soon as it is born in the mother’s lap.
– In the cesarean section there is a cut in the belly
– Normally, you may have an episiotomy, a cut made in the perineum, between the vagina and the anus.
Research more details about each delivery. Talk to your doctor and talk about the best time for you and your baby and make the decision that is most pleasant for you.