Baby Phases

A quarta semana do bebê

Baby’s fourth week

The last week of that initial phase. According to the classification made clinically by pediatricians, the newborn is considered a baby or infant. From then on, the new life is no longer counted in weeks and the months will be considered and the changes will...

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A terceira semana do bebê

Baby’s third week

How fast it went! Your baby is just a month away. You begin to understand each other better and the connection between mom and baby increases even more. Without much effort, the pace of the house adapts to this new resident. The magic of motherhood...

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A 2 semana do bebê

Baby’s second week

The anxiety of the first days will have passed and the routine of the house is more used to the presence of a baby. In turn, the baby will continue the sequence of sleeping a lot, suck a lot, cry and change the diaper. During...

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