9 weeks pregnant


According to the date of your last period, you are probably 9 weeks pregnant. Like some women, if this is a novelty in your life, congratulations and welcome to an incredible world!

Even though doctors prefer to count the time of pregnancy for weeks, due to several factors, you are now starting the third month. It is very normal to confuse the symptoms of pregnancy with a PMS and the bleeding that occurs is due to the nesting, when the embryo fixes itself in the uterine wall.

But don’t worry, there is still time to do all the tests and enjoy your baby’s growth, which at this stage is already considered a fetus. If you want to know a little more about your baby’s development this week, what you should be feeling and care for, keep reading


Baby development

Your little baby is compared to an olive or a ruby ​​grape. It is between 20 to 22 millimeters and weighs between 3 to 4 grams, very small and at the same time very loved.

The joints between shoulders, elbows, wrists and knees are working and he is already placing his hands on his heart, which may be heard during the consultation with the obstetrician, but if you can’t, don’t worry, it will happen in the coming weeks.

It moves a lot in the uterus, but as there is a lot of space inside it is not yet possible to perceive it outside, only through ultrasound. Have patience, because it will develop and grow more and soon the famous kicks will happen. Remember not to compare your pregnancy with that of other mothers, some babies are calmer than others.

His head is straight and his ears are almost ready, which means a few more weeks and he will hear your voice outside.


What happens to mom

Like your baby’s development, your hormones are running high, which can cause a lot of tiredness, fatigue and possible nausea. A tip to relieve is to consume lemon, in juice, squeezed in water, in short, usually helps.

The breasts are heavier, very sensitive to touch and will continue to increase until the end of pregnancy. The looser joints and the back start to hurt due to the release of the hormone relaxin, which works to open the hips and prepare the body for delivery.

Heartburn, fluid retention, constipation and nasal congestion can happen, as well as strange desires. The belly may be stiffer in the lower abdomen, but if it is your first pregnancy, it will not appear. Already from the second pregnancy, the uterus has a memory that causes the belly to start growing, although little.


Care that should be taken at this stage

Pregnancy exercises are welcome and even help when giving birth. However, as the joints are looser, it is important to pay attention to the type of exercise practiced, avoiding high impact activities, at least during the first months.

A healthy and balanced diet and fluid intake are a great aid for fluid retention and constipation, in addition to avoiding excess weight, which can lead to other problems such as increased blood pressure and diabetes.

Avoid standing or sitting for a long time, alternate these moments and, whenever you can, rest with your legs up, place a pillow under your feet and relax.

Perhaps the anxiety of pregnancy hurts your sleep hours. Talk to your doctor and try to stay calm. Meditation, yoga and light walks are great allies.

It can be very difficult to wait, but do not use chemical substances such as hair dyes, straightening, aesthetic treatments and always read the label or ask the professional about possible compounds that could harm your baby’s health.

Also avoid medications without medical advice. Consultations with the obstetrician are usually monthly, during the interval between them, write down all your doubts, symptoms and sensations and don’t be afraid to talk about everything with the doctor, especially different symptoms.

Encourage the parent to participate in that moment with you. Schedule to go to appointments or during ultrasound exams.


Karla Mendonça

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