The 2 month baby

O bebê de 2 meses

Also to encourage the baby’s sense of vision and perception is through walks, which are already allowed from 30 to 40 days of life. Try to take the baby where he can observe the landscape and, at a certain moment, pick him up and talk showing him what makes the sounds.

Other benefits of the tours are sunbathing, which must be done before 10 am and after 4 pm, and you take the opportunity to take a walk.

He already understands the hands and takes them to his mouth at all times, as well as everything in his reach, as a way of exploring. The same is true with the feet.

Regarding development, he must be gaining between 150 to 200 grams per week.


Games and activities


The 2-month-old baby still needs many hours of sleep a day, however, when he is awake, it is interesting to spend these moments with activities, which will increase the bond between you.

To help strengthen the neck and support the head, place the baby on his stomach. Some may already try to lift their heads and support themselves with their hands for a short period of time.

A nice suggestion is to put a fluffy blanket on the floor and play with the baby on top of it. It is much safer for him to move, having less risk of injury or falling, if he is on the bed, for example.

Remember that each baby is unique, so be patient if your baby still doesn’t do it and continue to stimulate little by little, respecting the limits of his body.

You are the most important person in his life, so staying close, talking, singing and even dancing are very rewarding activities for both of you.


Sleep routine

Babies with a pre-established routine are more likely to sleep well throughout the night. If you have maintained this practice since his early days at home, it is possible that he has now learned how to do it yourself.

Now, it’s never too late to start. Schedule a bedtime and adapt the house to that routine. Lower the sounds, dim the lights, sing or put on relaxing music, everything can be done after a soothing warm bath and, if possible, a massage, followed by changing clothes for a more comfortable one.

Be consistent in this practice and you will soon see the results of your baby sleeping all night and you can rest too.


Vaccines and reactions

It is good to talk a little about this subject, because at 2 months it is the turn to take Pentavalente (Diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, hepatitis and meningitis B).

The baby may experience reactions such as irritability, redness and local pain and fever within 48 hours.

Don’t be worried or stop vaccinating your baby for fear or pity of the bite and the symptoms. As terrible as it is to see the little one in pain and discomfort, the boring effects of the vaccine for a few days are millions of times better than a hospital stay due to a more serious illness.

To alleviate this, you can apply cold compress on the spot, give antipyretic drugs to lower the fever and the best part, give a lot of love and affection to your sly baby.


Consultation with pediatrician

 Until he turns 1, pediatrician visits should be monthly. The doctor will check if the baby is of adequate weight and growth, how he responds to the stimuli and remove all doubts about the health and care of the baby.

You can choose to have your pediatrician give you the vaccine or ask him what to do.


Taking care of mom

 It is essential to take care of you, to have energy and health to take good care of your baby. Have a balanced diet, rich in essential vitamins and nutrients.

Drink lots of water. When you are breastfeeding, you will feel very thirsty and milk production is much better if you are well hydrated.

Rest as much as you can. Organize your time and take some time to rest, relax. Taking care of a baby requires constant attention and can be stressful, so having a moment for you is paramount.

If you are feeling more tired than usual, discouraged and unmotivated, it is quite possible that you may have a little postpartum depression. Do not ignore this care. Talk to a doctor.


Karla Mendonça

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