The baby of 1 year and 3 months

O bebê de 1 ano e 3 meses 2

As your baby dominates the ability to move wherever he wants and to express his wishes, personality and become more and more apparent.

New words and new actions emerge, and everyone around them finds it beautiful. It’s really cute to see the baby clapping and trying to sing and imitate the steps of a song he learned.

He names things in his own language, which usually only mothers understand. Through these expressions, he gains the small world and conquering a large space in the house. It is important to know how to direct you about your wishes.

A tip for attention at home has to do with the stairs. If your baby has not yet tried to climb while crawling, you can try now that he is walking. For security, keep access restricted only when you or an adult is nearby. And keep protecting dangerous parts for him.

Do you want to know more about how your baby aged 1 year and 3 months, or 15 months, behaves in this phase and what activities can you do to help him develop? So keep reading.


Stimuli and Games

The baby realizes again as an individual separated from the mother, so the fear of separation can be something scary for him, which will turn into a gum at home or present some obstacle when it comes to school.

Try to understand this fear and make it safe that you are around or that you will be back soon. If at home, he feels the need for attention, it is recommended that you stop what you are doing for a few moments and meet that need.

When you need to get away, do this without showing that you are also sad about the separation, or making long farewells. The best thing is that he understands, even if gradually, that you will come back to pick him up.

One type of toy that is very good for him are the ones to fit. While playing, he can learn about the notion of space, name of colors and shapes. At first, point to the objects and say the color, shape and show where it should fit. Then ask where it should be. Then what color and so on.

As he is forming his vocabulary, talking or singing music are activities that help a lot. Show him his body parts and say his names. Gradually ask him to point out where each one is. This is a cool game to do at the bath time, for example.



Sleep hours tend to decrease as your baby grows. The various daytime naps turn into two or just a few hours. Even so, watch for signs of sleep and have a routine for him to get used to.

Avoid doing any more stimulating activity, which impairs your nap time, because the baby may be irritated, which ends up disturbing the time of night sleep.

The recommendation also applies to bedtime at night. Do activities that calm the baby and make him understand what should happen in the next few hours. If you haven’t started teaching him a sleep routine yet, it’s good to change some habits and get started.

Having trouble maintaining or starting your baby’s sleep routine? So, get in touch and learn more about the Baby Sleeper course, created by Karla Mendonça, master’s student in Education at the University of Florida, United States, postgraduate in neuropsychopedagogy and postgraduate in neuroscience, systemic integral coach, behavioral profile analyst, specialist in infant sleep, nutritionist and mother of Edu and Gu.


It’s time for the 15-month vaccine

The 15 months are on the list of vaccine months the baby should be given. Immunized diseases and side effects include:

– DTP (diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough) – 1st reinforcement.

It serves to immunize against these diseases and will have the 2nd booster at the age of 4. As reactions, the baby may experience irritability, fever, vomiting, headache, drowsiness, pain, redness and swelling at the site of the bite and poor appetite.

Try to calm the baby, make an ice pack on the spot, if you have pain and give an antipyretic prescribed by the pediatrician.

– Oral Poliomyelitis – 1st reinforcement

The droplet vaccine. Prevents child paralysis. It usually does not cause reactions, but some babies may be allergic. Get to know more before vaccinating your baby.

– Viral tetra or viral triple and chickenpox

Prevents measles, rubella, mumps and chickenpox or chicken pox. The reactions can be fever, burning, pain in the spot, headache, irritability, redness in the eyes and runny nose.

– Flu’s vacine

Against the Influenza virus, it is offered by the Government once a year. Your baby can be vaccinated from 6 months to 5 years.


Karla Mendonça

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