The child of 2 years and 5 months

A criança de 2 anos e 5 meses

The period from two to three years is a phase of refinement. The child’s motor coordination is improving, his legs become firmer to run and jump, vocabulary increases and the way he pronounces some words improves.

If, before, he needed you for everything, with the process of independence and the formation of personality going on, now your participation is in helping him understand this phase of trial and error, setting rules and limits, but showing understanding and calm. It’s a difficult time for both sides.

Precaution is doubled to avoid accidents. Some children prefer to be more careful, but many of them often challenge the possibilities by climbing higher, exploring where they shouldn’t and going to the wrong places.

Although there is a pattern of development, the child grows at a specific rate. Before you think your son or daughter falls short of other children for not doing the same things, talk to your pediatrician for an evaluation.


Stimuli and Games

Any stimulus must be made in order to attract the interest of the child and to create a bond between you. When the activity is forced, it is more difficult to make progress, besides making the experience stressful for everyone.

A ball turns into several other activities and only depends on creativity. Kicking, playing, hitting the ground or wall, rolling, trying to hit a target, whatever the game, it will always be fun.

Soap bubbles also have the power to entertain. Now, the child will want to make his own bubbles. Blowing may be tricky for now, so he doesn’t get totally frustrated, show him how to move the ring in the air. Interaction occurs when you blow and ask it to burst.

To enhance this play, you can improvise a microphone or buy one in a toy store and encourage the child to perform a show singing the songs he likes.



The child’s taste buds are probably already defined at this age. He has a preference for some foods and refuses others. Even if he eats a smaller amount than the other family members, it is important to look at the quality.

Healthy eating from the start influences many factors and avoids future problems such as obesity, diabetes and other diseases. The ideal meal should vary between carbohydrates, fat, fiber and protein.

As the child tends to imitate adults, his dish, and that of the whole family, needs to be as healthy as his. At first, he doesn’t want to eat the vegetables, but if you keep offering and showing that you like it, maybe he’ll try it.



Activities that calm the child after a long day full of stimuli are beneficial at bedtime. The sleep routine goes through some age adaptations, but needs to be maintained.

In the bath, he may want to use soap or a shampoo. Let him try. Remember to take him to brush his teeth, and if you’re doing potty training, or already have, take him to the bathroom.

During the story, read a few sentences and ask him to complete the rest. Sing the quiet music along with it. If he’s afraid to the point of not wanting to sleep, talk about the fears and make it clear that you’re around whenever he needs you.


The importance of stimulus for the child

Within a busy daily life, with things to do and little time for chores in the house and work, among others, many mothers substitute playing with their children with use of mobile phone, tablet and television.

Families spend less time together, and this lack of interaction and stimulation can result in delays in the cognitive and social development of the children. They become more anxious, angry and take more time to perform certain simple tasks, such as speaking, for example.

Your participation is very important to your child’s life. Schedule your day to play with him, even for a few hours a day. Show that you are interested in his achievements, fears, and frustrations. Listen to what he’s trying to say.

Of course, it is necessary to evaluate each situation and in some cases the help of a professional is necessary. However, even if many say that some children take longer to talk, continue encouraging your child with activities.

This also applies to children who are more anxious or who tend to get irritated more easily. As much as terrible two is part of learning, it’s the way you show that you care that you can teach your child how to deal with it.

So dance, sing, run, hide, paint, hug, kiss your child and make you feel loved and can express yourself positively to you every time you need it, it can make a huge difference.


Karla Mendonça

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