36 weeks pregnant
Welcome to the last month of your pregnancy. That phase when you hear a lot of “is this baby not going to be born?”, “10 month pregnancy”. In fact, this is also the feeling you get.
In a tighter world, the baby moves little, but weighs a lot more. Did he prepare all things to be born and do you have all pending matters resolved, at work, at home?
Have you decided who he’ll be with when you get back to work? Do you have other children? Who will look after them while in the hospital? Having that matter decided now is more recommended. In fact, have all matters resolved for you to just enjoy your baby during the leave.
Keep reading and see how your baby developed and how it should be in these last weeks of pregnancy.
Baby development
It is about 47.4 cm and weighs between 2.6 kg to 2.7 kg. Some even get bigger and weigh more, it all depends on genetic factors and the type of food you had. If you have maintained irregular eating habits, it is possible that your baby will be born overweight.
The kidneys are in full working order and it produces about 600 ml of urine, released into the amniotic fluid, which is renewed to be ingested again. This process has been repeated for weeks exactly for the formation and development of this organ.
All systems are functioning, except digestion, which begins to enter the rhythm only after birth.
He has eyelashes, eyebrows, eyes open and close and react to light. The color of a newborn’s eyes is usually different from what he will have for the rest of his life. Some are born with the blue eye, which then turns brown, for example.
He is probably already in the position to be born, if not, in the coming weeks it should happen.
What happens to mom
Visits to the obstetrician are more frequent. He will check your health for the time of delivery and order the latest tests, if necessary. During the consultation, he performs the touch exam, for an evaluation of the cervix, seeing dilation.
If the baby is in the upside-down position, it is likely that he has descended a little, which will make your lungs more free and you will breathe better.
However, the bladder becomes more compressed, which increases the urge to pee and the trips to the bathroom are greater at this stage. It is a little more difficult to sit, find a safe place to hold yourself and watch out for slips and falls.
Walking becomes more difficult, either because of the fear that the baby will be born at any time, or because of the weight pressing on the pelvis or because of the swelling of the feet.
Care that should be taken at this stage
Have you packed the maternity bags? Yours and the baby’s and your companion’s, to which you are entitled at the time of delivery and 12 hours after, even if you are in the infirmary. If you haven’t already, visit the maternity ward where you are going to have your baby.
Continue your balanced diet and try to avoid overeating. Of course, it is not forbidden for you to eat some treats, but try to reduce your consumption so that your weight is not more than 14 kg during pregnancy.
A greater increase in weight brings damage to your spine, favors even more the appearance of varicose veins and makes it difficult to regain weight after birth.
In addition, a good diet brings more energy and reduces symptoms such as constipation and bloating, preventing, for example, hemorrhoids. As hikes become more complicated in the last month, it is best to worry about what you eat.